We have begun a whole new style of trips here at Hubbard’s Marina recently where we are ONLY fishing with slow pitch jigs or SPJ. This means we don’t have any bait on board at all and were only using these unique slow pitch jigging lures to catch grouper, snapper, amberjack, pelagics and more! We have done quite a few of these with great success and have a few videos of our trips on our youtube channel which has driven even greater interest in doing SPJ only trips. Due to this, we are now launching full time scheduled trips that will only allow for SPJ fishing during the trip.

We have also brought in a ton of SPJ rods, reels, lures, and accessories in our shop so you can fully outfit or add additional options to your SPJ arsenal when going on a trip with us or just visiting our shop. We also have the online store so you can view products before arrival or order them online if you aren’t going to make it out to see us before your next on the water adventure.

Keep in mind, these are specialty trips meant for advanced anglers who are mastering the art or have mastered the art of SPJ fishing. If you are a beginner, I wouldn’t recommend these trips. I would recommend starting on one of our regular 12 hour extreme trips39 hour trips or 44 hour full moon trips. If you like it and your getting dialed in to it, then that’s the time to invest in some specialized gear and perhaps think about joining us for one of these unique trips!