Special Guests: Andy Strelchek and Sean Meehan from NOAA Fisheries

Get involved in your Area today!

NOAA Email list https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USNOAAFISHERIES/subscriber/new 

(you can also sign up for text alerts, but those can take longer to get to you and would have less information)

ACL Monitoring https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/southeast/sustainable-fisheries/southeast-region-annual-catch-limit-acl-monitoring 

MREP Sign Up https://mrep.gmri.org/apply (apply for south east if your gulf or south Atlantic)

Gulf Council (Texas – west coast of FL)

• Calendar of upcoming meetings – https://gulfcouncil.org/calendar/ 

• Gulf council email sign up – https://shorturl.at/lrDQX

• Where to give feedback on gulf council stuff – https://gulfcouncil.org/fishery-management-2/public-input/


South Atlantic (North Carolina – east coast of fl)

• Calendar page for upcoming meetings –  https://safmc.net/meetings/

• South Atlantic fishery management council email list – https://shorturl.at/ilszP

• South Atlantic get involved page (same ideas apply in the gulf) – https://safmc.net/get-involved/

South Atlantic public comment – https://safmc.net/public-comment/

SEDAR – Southeast data assessment and review 

• How to get involved – https://sedarweb.org/how-to-get-involved/

• Upcoming events page – https://sedarweb.org/events/

• Assessment schedule – https://sedarweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/project-planning-outcome-grid_Oct2023_v2.jpg